Iron infusions Avoiding the stain

Iron infusions: Avoiding the stain

Iron is a crucial mineral for your health and well-being. An iron infusion may help to raise your iron levels and is well-tolerated by most patients. However, it’s important that your health care professional takes steps to minimise the risk...

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Iron deficiency and ferritin levels

Iron deficiency and ferritin levels

If you’re a Friends fan, you may remember an episode from season 2 where Monica has lost her job, is worried about being unable to pay her rent and decides to ask her parents for a loan. Her dad jumps...

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What are the different types of sugar?

With Febfast 2022 just around the corner, and many participants across Australia planning to cut back on their sugar intake for the month, you might be wondering what the different types of sugar and their effects are or what sugar...

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Dr Nathan Connelly On The House of Wellness Radio Show

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Our very own Dr Nathan Connelly recently went on The House of Wellness Radio Show hosted by Jo Stanley, Luke Hines and Gerald Quigley, and is a well known show who discuss all things health, mindfulness and wellness...

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What Are The First Signs of Liver Damage From Alcohol?

Alcohol abuse is a widespread problem across countries all over the globe. Alcohol abuse is defined as the consumption of more than 15 standard drinks every single week, with many consuming much more than this. Alcohol abuse can stem from...

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Liverscans with the FibroScan ® 502 Touch

A painless, non-invasive test for liver damage More than 6 million (one in four) Australians are living with some form of liver disease. Most of these people will, at some stage, need testing to assess if the disease has damaged...

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Obesity is Damaging Your Liver

Almost 5 million Australian adults are obese. This means that around 30 percent of our population is carrying an excess amount of body fat. While our bodies need a small amount of fat, too much fat becomes problematic and is...

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Importance of Gastroscopy and Some Common Conditions

If you hit your leg or scrape your arm, the cause of the pain you feel is visible on your skin as a bruise or cut. Clean it up, throw on a bandage and the healing can begin. But what...

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The Importance of Bowel Screening

It may not be the most proper of topics, but your poo might be able to save your life. Bowel cancer remains one of the most significant and life-threatening diseases in Australia, causing the highest number of cancer deaths, after...

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Helicobacter Breath Testing and How Easy it is

Our stomachs are a vital aspect of the digestive tract, working hard to mix, break down and pass the food we eat to the small intestine, so it can continue on its journey through our body. However the harsh, acidic...

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