Addressing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Live webinar for healthcare professionals - Fatty Liver Disease Identification and Management with Dr Nathan Connelly, MBBS, FRACP

Fatty liver disease now affects 1 in 3 Australians and has significant implications for long-term health.

Learn how you can make a difference in our live webinar with Dr Nathan Connelly, gastroenterologist and liver specialist, on 21st February between 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm.

Fatty liver disease is

1 in 3 Australians


Affects 1 in 3 Australians yet is easily missed in its early stages

vascular implications


Causes significant morbidity and mortality, usually due to vascular implications



95% require active management and appropriate referrals to reduce vascular risk
5% need aggressive treatment to prevent cirrhosis

Staging fatty liver disease

If test results do not improve after 6-12 months of conservative management, fatty liver disease should be staged to identify the 5% of patients who need more aggressive treatment.

However, the other 95% still need careful and active management. It is not enough to ‘watch and wait’ on repeated LFTs. The focus for this group is on interventions to reduce vascular risk and prevent the progression of liver disease.

The 95%The 5%
Clinical evidenceExcess fat deposits in liverInflammation of the liver
RelevanceIndicates generally poor health with well-documented morbidity:

  • Diabetes & metabolic syndrome
  • Gout
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Smoking
  • Inactivity
High risk of progressing to cirrhosis and premature death
FocusReduce their vascular risk and improve liver healthProtect their liver
ActionsActive management to:

  • Reduce weight
  • Change lifestyle
  • Improve various aspects of metabolic syndrome

Referral to appropriate medical specialists and allied health professionals.

Refer to gastroenterologist / liver specialist for aggressive treatment to prevent cirrhosis.

Management may involve:

  • Drug therapy
  • Bariatric surgery for obese patients
    • Can improve liver histology and down-stage fibrosis
ReviewIf no improvement after 6-12 months:

  • Seek staging of liver disease
  • Consider referral to bariatric surgeon for weight loss
Follow-up staging

  • Every 2-3 years if significant fibrosis (F3/F4) is present
  • Every 5 years for benign disease

What’s covered in the webinar?

The live webinar will explore the identification, management and treatment of fatty liver disease. 

Topics will include: 

  • Definition of NAFLD
  • Prevalence
  • Risk factors
  • Diagnosis – benefits and limitations of common diagnostic procedures
  • Staging – why it matters and new, non-invasive methods of assessing it. 

There’ll also be plenty of time for you to ask your questions.



This information is intended for healthcare professionals

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